Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Shidduch Experiment c. 2003-2005

So, this one's for the good 'ol days. I didn't read through two years of blog posts to weed out the wasted words, but I gotta admit, these were too darn funny to keep hidden online. If you find anything objectionable, please call the Ichud L'Harbotzos HaShtooyos al HaInternet, number available only in a NJ yellow pages. Here goes nothin! And the address is.....


  1. Oh many comments. You named your fish Esther and Yocheved? I can't imagine that went over well?
    Too bad this isn't FB where I could tag them :)

    1. have fun! i have to go back. it's amazing how much happens everyday and how much one forgets. i gotta get a proper url for it so folks can find it again... or something. we'll see. maybe revive it and just continue there instead of starting something new. you know --skip ahead 7 years and there are kids. ;)
