Thursday, May 31, 2012

my son, that is a real superhero

r' israel meir lau is coming to baltimore. he's speaking this sunday at the chanukas habayis for bnos yisroel. monday, he will be addressing some of the older students.

i have been cyber-stalking his oratory via youtube. i have been absorbed in his book, "Out of the Depths," and i have this burning desire to have my 5-year-old son meet him and hear him speak.

no, he's too young to attend a lecture for adults and he's persona non gratis there anyway. but i wonder whether r' lau has been scheduled to speak on this whirlwind engagement to the very young - the ones who will remember his visit, who may not remember his exact words, but may not have many similar opportunities in the future.

r' lau repeats that he does not remember the outbreak of WWII. he was 2. but he says he remembers everything that happened to him after the age of 5, when his father and brother were taken from his family to treblinka.

i have been counting the days to hear r' lau speak. but i can read his book. i have heard and met at least a dozen of these embers. my son has met two. one of his great grandmothers and one of his great grandfathers. but they passed on when he was two.

my son is 5. he is obsessed with superheroes. in the five to eight years it will take him to be "of age" to attend speeches of this sort, i am saddened to think of how many of these Jewish treasures will still be left.

while he has so much to say to us, the grown ups, i would give up my seat to give these young children the opportunity to have met a real Jewish hero, to say they heard him, they saw him, and he did exist.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Enjoy Rav Lau. I haven't had a chance to hear him speak yet here but I hope to soon.
